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电脑 2022-09-02


I-J-B-C-E-A-D-F-G-H A:Hi,Larry.Torrow is Thursday.It‘s a very important day,do you know? B:Thursday?Is it Thanksgiving? A:Yes.Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving,Larry? B:I don't have any planes. A:Good,I‘m going to have a get-together at my house.Would you like to come? B:Sure,I’d love to.Shoul


顺序:C B A D

至于为什么是先问 What do you hear ?

因为And what do you see? 这个问句前面有and,很明显是要承接前面的内容,所以放后面




( 5) What`s the name of the book? ( 1) Lucy,what can you see in the picture? ( 4) Yes, it is. And a book is on the TV,too ( 3)Where is it?Is it on the TV? ( 6)Oh, sorry,I don`t know ( 2)I can see a video tape. 求采纳


C. May I take your order? D. Sure.I want tofu soup to start. F. And for the main course.I’ll have the chicken. E. And anything else? B. I’d like some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please. H. Boiled potatoes,is that all? A. Yes.It’s enough G. OK.Please wait a moment. 希望对你有所帮助O(∩_∩)O哈!


(1 )A:Excuse me.Is there a supermarket near here? ( 2 )B:Sorry.I'm new here.You can ask others. ( 4 )C:Yes?What is it? ( 7 )A:Is it next to the post office? ( 6 )C:It's down First Avenue on the right. ( 10 )C:You're welcome. (3 )A:Excuse me.Can you help me? ( 5 )A:I want to know the way to the super

标签:语言学习 英语 句子 对话 英语学习

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